Directed by Shana Bestock

A Special Presentation of Seattle Public Theatre in Cooperation with Hose & Britches
Ran at the Bathhouse Theatre, October 12-22, 2003



Rose - Suzie Cameron Bixler

Cliff - Gregory Magyar


Production Staff

Producer - Catherine Kettrick
Stage Manager - Linda Shaffer
Set Designer - Jeremy M. Barker
Lighting Designer - David Mills
Costume Designer - Meredith Armstrong


A Note from the Director

     1. [n] an idle indulgence in fantasy
     2. [adj] dreamy in mood or nature; "a woolgathering moment"
See Also: dream, dreaming

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly
- Langston Hughes

Rose and Cliff, two half-crazy people searching for love in a world gone mad. Not normally my type of play. After all, don't we see enough of that in real life? Why come to the theater to watch two lonely souls, scared of commitment and yearning for beauty, sumble towards each other?

And yet… In this tightly written play, the language is pitch-perfect and filled with deeply humorous observations and turns of phrase. Being a lonely soul is often hilariously funny. The images Cliff and Rose conjure up out of their dreams reflect, prism-like, our own lives and half-remembered crazy stories. Maybe we are all "cooped-up wackos" when it comes to other people. Bumping into them, simultaneously drawn and repelled like confused magnets. Holding fast to our dreams, in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

Shana Bestock

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