Logo design by Laurie Shattuck

Meredith wonders how the hell she got involved with so many Geminis. She misspent her youth studying theatre and fulfilling the role of "Angry Young Man" in her university's theatre department. It was a role that prepared her well to play Shakespeare's bitter but entertaining Mercutio, not to mention the morose donkey of A. A. Milne fame, Eeyore. Since graduating several eons ago she's done all sorts of things that wouldn't interest anyone. She currently spends her time writing in other people's universes, bellydancing with some Fuzzy Monkeys, and playing with her assimilated and twice-irradiated cat. Her husband is incredibly patient.


Suzie is a whimsical Gemini with a quiet husband, a small child, and a loud dog. She has studied theatre pretty much all of her life—as Meredith can witness because they've known one another for over two decades. The cheerful Piglet of the group, Suzie's boundless energy is equally invigorating and infuriating to the more staid members of Hose & Britches. Fortunately that same energy is very useful to her when commuting to and from the back end of beyond nowhere where her home is located. We recommend staying off the roads at these times.


Janet was recently labeled "dangerous" by a source that wishes to remain anonymous. She is a Mariners fan, a bellydancing Monkey, and a cat owner. Like most of Hose & Britches' founders she holds a BA in Theatre. Like two other members she is a teacher. Unlike those two other members she works in an office where, while they have a lot to learn, there is rarely an opportunity to teach them the lessons they so deserve. She acts, directs, sings, dances, slices, and dices, and clean-up is a snap! She is happy that her husband's new job doesn't require a lot of travel.


Nancy is not a natural red-head. She is however a natural teacher, singer, and Gemini. Don't ask her to dance. Her theatrical work spans the Puget Sound region from Tacoma to Bellevue to Edmonds, and it's been one hell of a commute. She lives with her husband, child, and cat, one of whom is trying to take over the world. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out which it is and stop his or her nefarious plans. Good luck.


Kat is another Gemini who lives even farther from civilization than Suzie. Kat is a licensed aesthetician who plans to use these skills in an avante garde production of Steel Magnolias where instead of doing hair she will perform full body waxings on stage every night. This will require an especially large cast depending on the number of performances as one can really only wax effectively once ever six weeks or so. A casting call will be placed when the time approaches. In the meantime she enjoys teaching seventh grade, camping, and off-road cycling. She has many disabled pets and a lovely son.